This service is for non-emergency queries only.
  • call 999 for emergency medical help.
  • In England call 111 for urgent medical advice.
  • In Scotland go to for urgent medical advice.
  • In Isle of Man call MEDS direct on +44 1624 650355 for urgent medical advice.
  1. Admin including medical reports & letters

    Request a GP letter, medical examination or report, or ask a general q...

  2. Alcohol

    Find out about sensible drinking, the risks of drinking to excess and...

  3. Antenatal and Post natal Assessment (EPDS)

    To be completed by your GP or Midwife when requested prior to appointm...

  4. Ask the Receptionist a question

    Use this form rather than come to the front desk

  5. Asthma Review

    Complete your annual asthma review using a simple online form and find...

  1. Becoming an organ donor

    Find out how to register as an organ donor - donors save lives!

  2. COPD Symptom review : Assessment Test (CAT) and MRC score

    Questionnaire used to assess COPD symptoms

  3. Diabetes Foot Check Questionnaire

  4. Edinburgh Post Natal Depression Survey

    Please complete this form as directed by your midwife or GP during and...

  1. Eye care

    Red eye(s), flashes, floaters, loss of vision and foreign bodies

  2. Flu declined

  3. Patient Registration Forms

  4. Travel health information (seek advice at least 2 months before travel)

    Find out information on immunisations and other preparations and preca...