This service is for non-emergency queries only.
  • call 999 for emergency medical help.
  • In England call 111 for urgent medical advice.
  • In Scotland go to for urgent medical advice.
  • In Isle of Man call MEDS direct on +44 1624 650355 for urgent medical advice.
  1. Admin including medical reports & letters

    Request a GP letter, medical examination or report, or ask a general q...

  2. Antenatal and Post natal Assessment (EPDS)

    To be completed by your GP or Midwife when requested prior to appointm...

  3. Ask the Receptionist a question

    Use this form rather than come to the front desk

  4. Asthma

    Get advice or contact your practice about asthma or a related query.

  5. Athlete's foot

    Get advice or contact your practice about itchy toes or a related quer...

  6. Breathlessness

    Get advice or contact your practice about breathlessness.

  7. Chickenpox

    Get advice or contact your practice about your or your child's chicken...

  8. COPD Symptom review : Assessment Test (CAT) and MRC score

    Questionnaire used to assess COPD symptoms

  1. Cough in children under 5 years

    Get advice or contact your practice about cough, wheeze and breathing...

  2. Cough or colds and flu in adults and children over 5 years

    Get advice or contact your practice about coughs, colds, chest infecti...

  3. Depression

    Get advice or contact the practice about depression or low mood

  4. Diabetes Foot Check Questionnaire

  5. Earache

    Get advice or contact your practice for earache or a related query.

  6. Edinburgh Post Natal Depression Survey

    Please complete this form as directed by your midwife or GP during and...

  7. Eye care

    Red eye(s), flashes, floaters, loss of vision and foreign bodies

  8. Fit (sick) notes

    Request a fit (sick) note, view guidance or print self-certification f...

  1. General health query

    Feel unwell or have a health query? Contact us or use a symptom checke...

  2. Head Lice and Nits

    Get advice or contact your practice about head lice and nits or a rela...

  3. Headache

    Get advice or contact your practice about headache, migraine or a rela...

  4. Men's health

    Get advice or contact your practice about problems with erections, tes...

  5. Muscle & joint problems

    Get advice or contact your practice about problems with joints includi...

  6. Sickness, diarrhoea, bowel problems and stomach pain

    Get advice or contact your practice about vomiting, diarrhoea, tummy (...

  7. Social Prescribing - Be Well

    How you feel can depend on what is going on in your life. Social Presc...

  8. Toothache

    Get advice or contact your practice about toothache, dental abscess or...